My Journey with Hyperlite Mountain Gear
It all started with a backpack that I used on the Greater Yellowstone Traverse in the summer of 2018. By the end of the nearly 500-mile route, I became a full believer in Hyperlite Mountain Gear and their products. The following summer I interned with their marketing team where I photographed, modeled, blogged, ran social media and product tested for them. It has been a highly productive relationship with a great company. Here are a few of my top photographs with Hyperlite Mountain Gear in mind.
The catch-all for product-driven photography. Backpacks, food and more are featured here!
Silver Comet Trail FKT
A Fastest Known Time is no small feat. Follow along as three ultramarathoners attempt to set a new fastest known time running from the Atlanta suburbs to the Alabama state line, some 60 miles, along the Silver Comet Trail.
Always a student, portraits are the area I wish to most greatly improve. I have the tools and the primitive knowledge, now it is time to learn the ropes.
Journalism takes many forms. Featured here are some of my favorite captures of stories I have worked on for class as well as some moments from every day life that deserve documentation.